Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Theology of Theft

I've been pondering: if as the bible suggests "a labourer is worthy of his hire" and in particular, as Paul highlights, a preacher of the gospel is able to be supported in that work - was I doing such a bad job on Sunday night that I went into a deficit "pay" situation that warranted my car being stolen? Or is it an example of the sometimes overlooked fact that God (generally) limits himself in relation to our free will and doesn't intervene to stop us sinning if we choose to do so - I speak not of my sinning (although it is varied and extensive) but of the behaviouarally challenged creation of God who decided he needed a crap car that night.

I once chose not to insure my household items "in faith" until I realised God was not in a position to override the free will of my thief. I learned something about attachment to material items that time. And is it a sign, all these years later, that I have matured at least on this point - I feel little sense of loss, or even anger (despite the irony of this posting). Or maybe, its just that my poor Honda was a beater?

Bring on the insurance payout...

The Walking Kiwi :)

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