Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Feeling like...

I feel like God at the moment...or is it Jim Carrey playing God...just without the humour. Because I don't have enough to do I took on this half time job facilitating an online course for lawyers. Its the perfect teaching job really - no classroom, no drive to work, no parking dilemmas, no lectures - EXCEPT when I log on Monday morning and there are over 50 emails waiting for me...ouch! You mean there's more to this than picking up the paycheck? Maybe I should adopt Jim's approach and just email back: "YOU PASS" to all of them...

I feel like a really hot cup of fresh ground, espresso coffee. Wow! I have one! The miracle of time-lapse blogography...

I feel like I need more of God (why are you sitting here blogging then). I started this new thing of taking Friday as a Sabbath cos Sunday...well you know what happens to professional Christians on Sunday. I've become a Fifth Day Adventist - its working moderately well until I started this job which requires me to work in the real world on Friday mornings. I've long felt challenged about the DAWG concept - Day Alone With God - the SLWC team do it - here's a confession for you - in my 5 month internship in Spring Lake/Grand Haven, I never even managed one...So maybe I should do what I can on the principle that something is always better than nothing - now I'm quoting sad truisms. I could call it HOT-DAWG - Half Of The Day Alone With God. I could start a whole new product range for the really busy pastor - "Too busy to give a full day to God? Try new HOT-DAWG - half the results in half the time" There could be a whole range of these things: "WWYD" Wrist Bands - "What Would You Do" - just be yourself...

I feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world...we had a "date night" last night - our 7 month anniversary of marriage - we were too busy to remember the 6th month, for those of you cynics who think we're still counting it month by month. Anyway, my awesome wife had informed me that she would be organising the date. So she went shopping (no small thing for an American in a foreign land), cooked a fantastic dinner and made these gift certificates for each stage of the date. I can't even begin to tell you what was on those gift certificates...what a great thing to do - to carve out time and demonstrate her love by going to all that trouble...

I feel like its time to sign off...

Short Fat Kiwi

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