Saturday, January 05, 2008

Joel Osteen: "His Best Heresy Now"

Alright so I'm not endorsing this site - and the commentary is a little cheap shot-ish - but you can't ignore what Joel Osteen says here...

  • Mormons are Christians
  • Details aren't important when it comes to sects
  • Just put me on TV OK?

Oops that was a little cheap shot as well. Can't help but think Osteen is protecting his own ministry here by not getting hung up on the details of theological error. I've blogged on some of his errors here and here. But we should just let it go because he says "Jesus is Lord" (and my sugar Daddy).

See Osteen say it for yourself - "His best heresy now!"

Ken De Peal makes a strong appeal for Osteen to sort himself out. One can only hope he does. When you have a national platform like he does, you need to be more careful right?


BJ said...

By the way, the Mormons may not be that happy with this either! Not all of them like to be called Christians seeing as they have some major divergences with Christianity.

And you gotta watch this:

Ken said...

wow... i got linked...

i feel bad for osteen... he really needs to examine his own faith...