Saturday, May 09, 2009

Iron Man

For most of this year I have had a nagging feeling that this year will be a year of transition. Not just because a 3rd child will join us. Nor because there are obvious and "immediate" changes afoot at cessioncommunity. But more that there is a new season coming and that somehow involves a change for me. I am slowly grasping the implications of these changes and the imperatives for this new season. I am kind of amazed at what I'm discovering in me - not so much "me" per se, but more that God might be into some audacious things that I have not given myself permission to speak aloud.

Which is not really the point of this post! The point is this:

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17)

I am finding this to be a very true principle for me in the process. And even in the past week there's been an acceleration. For some months now I've been processing this unease with my ministerial supervisor which has been good. Also talking about some things at cession that seem key to me with original cession collaborator Melissa. This overflowed in a conversation with a new friend more recently. Then this past week a random conversation with someone who I had kinda assumed was "just passing through" my life really lit something up in me. There was another conversation with another person that got me answering some questions I was asked - it got me speaking out loud some of these things gestating in me. I read this post and recognised the raw hunger for knowing God's purposes that was flowing in me. Then yet another conversation this morning with a very wise and learned friend stimulated me to start putting some stuff down on paper.

I'm sure I'm still duller than I need to be. But sharper for the voices that speak life into me.


Steve Goble said...

Dang, I was hoping for a review of the film Iron Man...


Rhett said...

A mystery wrapped inside an enigma!

Hey, you know that if you have been processing unease with your ministerial supervisor, you should probably let them know, then get a new one. ;-)

BJ said...

No mystery! I'll tell anyone who will listen...but not on a blog :)

BJ said...

And you know the funny thing? Another thing just fell into place because you commented. Thanks!