Monday, November 14, 2005

Moving Day

Most of my remaining equivocation concerning the impending move has been extinguished by the desire to have the physical demands of the move itself completed! Good therapy: surround yourself with endless piles of unmitigated crap! Actually the first time I typed that sentence it came out as "unmitigated carp" - therapy of a different kind...

The house is in that in-between stage of packing where its really hard to tell how much is actually packed. We did the Garage Sale thing on Saturday and shifted a bit of stuff. It really wasn't about the money, more the rubbish removal, but it will help with moving costs which is nice. Strange that the work in progress of relocating creates such a mess and disturbance of equilibrium...

How odd then, that our move should coincide with the final episode in our Freedom series: Relocation. My message reminded me of Kirsty Alley, once of Cheers fame, and now consigned to Jenny Craig ads - a thin person trying to get out! Sunday was a good message trying to get out of a poor message! Frustrates me when that happens - you know you have some thoughts that you're excited about sharing but it gets bogged down in delivery or length or some random comment that hits the "off" button in some people. That said people seemed to respond to the overall experience of our worship gathering and that is (nearly) always the yardstick for me.

What I did enjoy was trying a new set up - preaching in the round (or was it a square?) It was fun and the unplugged feel of our worship singing was also a cool variation.

Oh, and its official by the way - I'm what's called a "Snarky Blogger" - you can do this test somewhere that I can't be bothered linking to nor hassled putting the code of result up...but then you knew that didn't you?!



Anonymous said...

Enjoy the move, man.
Pics coming?


Anonymous said...

There are some on the Jonescam site...but I will post some more once we're settled...

Anonymous said...

So glad Dave asked for pics and not me :) -- I'm trying to be very understanding of your time crunch -- only 27 more days!

Anonymous said...

Groovy. Caught the pics. How cool.

To bad you're getting "rid of the yellow." That color might come back in style soon!
