Sunday, May 02, 2004


Its been a rather full is it that at midnight Sunday I am wide awake and ready for more! Here's the week that was:

1. Monday I took my finished dissertation in for binding - this thing has been some years in the making - I started this back in 2001 just after Claire was diagnosed with what was/became terminal cancer. Three years to get it done - 23,000 words - its a bad annual average! But there were a some years when progress was slow...For those who are marginally interested I studied the mobilisation of church volunteers from within an MBA course setting - I'm not sure it qualifies as profound but I learned a lot.

2. Then there was the fever pitch of writing the final assignment in a week - it was done a day early on Thursday night - I've lost my sense of what it up to standard for the course so I'm hoping its OK. 5,000 words on Project management. For interest I ate cardboard in my breaks. So I'm through with the MBA. People have asked me what I'll do with all the extra time as if I've been working day in day out...the truth is I finished the lot off in April - I have no extra time! It makes me laugh...hysterically...

3. Friday was celebration date night. We ate pizza and went bowling. We sucked! It was fun though...We also went round to the home of some friends from cession - V was in labour - we prayed and left (quickly). A healthy girl later that evening. Awesome.

4. Saturday was my Mum's 60th birthday party. Thai restaurant - my fave. Ate too much but loved every mouthful! Caught up with my brother. Talked management structure, rugby and rugby.

5. Its an early start - the study week means I have a Partnership (membership) manual to write from scratch for cession and a sermon to write for the same. Morning duty at East City Wesleyan - Kristen worship leading - she does awesome, everyone is raving, but she takes some convincing! I play keys and run the practice. It all goes well.

6. Sunday afternoon we have 8 people over for a "Plugging Into cession" aka Partnership seminar (complete with sexy manual). I am so pleased at the turnout - a really diverse group illustrating how the makeup of who cession is has been changing. Makes for some interesting discoveries about people and their impressions of cession as first timers - "great music" "personal messages that apply to me" "friendly people" "highly creative" "new people every week". Four signed up on the spot. It was a lot of fun hearing their stories and laying out the vision - man it excites me to talk about it with others...Then this evening - Part 2 in our series - CloseUp: This week a closeup on surrender. I preached my story in 3 parts with readings from Lamentations interposed and various other multimedia/dramatic thingies - it was pretty awesome - I prayed with people for over an hour afterwards!

7. And now I have just come fresh from the battlefield where I defeated the Austrians in "Cossacks" - I am gorging on strategy games now that the study is over - I'll let you know if I get addicted...

8. Add to that the Blues and the Warriors won this weekend...does it get any better?

There's some stuff running round in my mind...lessons from the week that was...I'll blog on that later...

FH (Firm Handshakes)


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